Air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument

Item Code : Testo 440 DP

Use the testo 440 dP air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument in combination with the high-quality, digital probes to measure and store all air velocity and IAQ parameters (please order probes separately). Up to 3 probes can be connected simultaneously: a Bluetooth probe, a wired probe and a temperature probe with type K thermocouple connector. Automatic probe detection and clearly structured measurement menus guarantee simple operation and will make your day-to-day work easier.

A differential pressure sensor is already integrated in the testo 440 dP. This makes it possible to carry out measurements on filters and fans, as well as Pitot tube and K-factor measurements (please order Pitot tube separately).

Delivery Scope

testo 440 dP air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument including integrated differential pressure sensor, connection hose, 3 x AA batteries, USB cable and calibration protocol.

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Advantages of measuring with the testo 440 dP air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument

  • Fume cupboard probe for high-precision air velocity measurement on fume cupboards
  • Thanks to the low start-up speed of 0.1 m/s, the high-precision vane probe (Ø 100 mm) is ideal for laminar flow measurements in cleanrooms. Available as a variant with Bluetooth or with fixed cable
  • High-precision temperature/humidity probe (0636 9771 or 0636 9772) with an accuracy of ±(0.6% RH + 0.7 % of m.v.) in the range 0 to 90% RH for measuring the humidity in cleanrooms

Temperature - NTC
Measuring range    -40 to +150 °C
Accuracy    ±0.4 °C (-40 to -25.1 °C)
±0.4 °C (+75 to +99.9 °C)
±0.5 % of mv (Remaining Range)
±0.3 °C (-25 to +74.9 °C)
Resolution    0.1 °C